So I’m teaching a couple of writers workshops coming up, and I’ll be talking about the various kinds of feedback and critique writers can, should, and will receive throughout the writing and publishing process. I’ve gathered a lot of stories already, but I’d like to hear more from both authors and folks who give solicited feedback: critique partners, writers groups, beta readers, and sensitivity readers.
It’s OK to remain anonymous if you don’t want to out yourself or who you’ve worked with. I’d like to hear stories of when feedback worked well and also when it did not.
Some questions to think about and the type of information I’m seeking:
Which kinds of feedback have you worked with before? Did you discover one type of feedback worked better for you than others? What *didn’t* work for you? How did you go about soliciting the feedback? How did you meet the person or people? Did you thank them publicly/in the book? Did you compensate them in any way? Can you describe to me some specific advice you were given and how it changed the book or story, what you did to revise, and whether it changed the way you wrote future work? Both good and bad experiences would be helpful to hear. How do you decide which feedback to incorporate and which to leave aside?
Beta-readers and critiquers:
Are you also a writer? Do you specialize in some specific type of critique (whether sensitivity reading or specific genre expertise or knowledge i.e. police procedure, medical)? How do you provide feedback? How did you meet the author(s) you have given feedback to? Can you give a specific example of advice you’ve given in the past? Do you feel authors actually listen? Can you give examples of when you feel your advice was taken the wrong way?
For writers who also give critique (either to a critique partner or writers group):
Do you feel like you give the same kind of critique you want to receive? How does critiquing the work of others help your own writing?
Please either leave your responses in comments below (anonymous responses OK, just don’t put your real name or email in the comment fields) or email me at ctan.writer @
Image credit: Mohamed Hansen, Pixabay